Tuesday, May 27, 2008

He's crawling away with my heart

Hello all! Last week was so crazy. My birthday was fabulous. Thank you everyone for the calls of good wishes. Jared and I had a lovely dinner at this nice little Italian place not far from our house, Ciao Bella. Maggie watched Max so it was a child free meal, a nice change of pace. I had lobster ravioli, it was very yummy. Max gave me a fabulous present by sleeping well that night.

But the rest of the week was awful, as far as his sleeping went. He had a little cold and woke up multiple times during each night, screaming and then needing to be rocked back to sleep. It peaked on Friday night when he woke up every sleep cycle, literally every 45 minutes...it was exhausting. Luckily I have a wonderful husband who took the 12am-3:30am and the 8am-12pm shifts. Thank goodness his sleep pattern has returned to normal for the past two nights. I was seriously considering Ferberizing him.

The latter part of last week was so beautiful. It rained multiple days. On Thursday I went walking with my friend and her little boy. It was raining so we loaded them on our backs, grabbed our umbrellas, and hoofed it in the rain. Let me just say the ergo baby carrier is amazing I get so much use out of it. While we were walking Max fell asleep so I used the hood to keep his head from flopping around.

On Monday we had family over, it was still chilly out and since we're not allowed to use a BBQ (apartment policy) Jared made and grilled delicious burgers. Mom and Brett brought me an amazing present...a left-handed guitar. I am so excited and can't wait to learn to make beautiful music...I know it's going to take a while and at first it will just be cacophony. I think I will look into taking lessons at the community college or maybe Parks and Rec.

I forgot the most exciting news. On Sunday Max crawled for his first time. He only did one little crawl at a time, but today he's been going two at a time. He is getting very mobile and we really need to baby proof the apartment. Here is a picture of Max from yesterday. He is debuting the stylish leisure suit that Doug's family gave him. Go Eagles!!


Lindsey said...

Happy belated birthday! Sounds like a fun time and dinner sans kids is always more relaxing! I am glad he is back to sleeping good for you. Good to hear about the ergo baby carrier!

M said...

Yeah I am glad you had a great birthday! You will have to stop by to see us when you come down. Congrats to Max for crawling. Ooooo you got a left handed guitar now that is nice, I didn't know you were left handed

hayleybugs said...

Max is so entertaining!!! i love it!! hahah