Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Fun!

Max and Daddy

New p.j.s; new truck.

The Fam

Hanging w/ Uncle Brett, eating my fire truck.

I love Mimi...pre massive meltdown

We had a lovely holiday! We spent Christmas Eve with Jared's family. We even got to talk to Jackie which was nice. Jackie is on her mission in Guatemala; so I kept it short and sweet knowing that she probably really wanted to talk to her mom. We spent Christmas morning at Mimi's house raking in awesome presents. Max was spoiled, of course. His favorite presents are these 3 dump trucks that can be stacked on top of one another. He also really likes some new books, specifically ones that involve dogs, lifting or pulling flaps. He already ripped "Max the Clownfish" from one of the books. We went back to Gilda's on Christmas Day Evening to spend more time with the fam. On Friday afternoon we headed out to Bakersfield to spend time with my mom's extended family. Although it was a short trip (we came back Sat. night), we had a blast. Especially, when we played "Werewolf" this card game where you try to figure out who the werewolves are as they kill off the villagers. I found out I was an okay villager but a horrible wolf. What can I say, I'm a bad liar...I guess that's a good thing. Hayley hitched a ride back with us Sat. night and I took her to the airport Sunday morning :( Tomorrow Mimi is coming to spend more time with us. And on Saturday we are going down to San Diego to see my dad and G.G. We have loved spending time with so much family, but also can't wait 'till we have our own house. When those who want to see us (okay mainly Max) will have to brave the traffic.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Disneyland and Beach Fun

This will be my last post until after Christmas. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays! Last week Max and I went down to Torrance for a quick visit. We went to Disneyland on Thurs with Uncle Brett. We had a fabulous time even though we didn't hit up many rides. For the first time Max got scared on Pirates. He was not a fan of the drops in the beginning of the ride and even whimpered a bit, but there were no tears. The ride was quickly redeemed by all of the animals. You know the pigs, donkey, dog and cat. Max even meowed at the cat when he saw it. Mimi bought Max an early Christmas present that night, a nice warm coat. Max has a warm 12 month coat but he is too big for it. I can barely zip it up and he kind of looks like a Vienna sausage in it. The new one is a 2T and a much better fit. On Fri morning Brett, Max and I headed off to the beach. Here's a little clip of that.

All Max wanted to do was run into the water. We had to keep chasing him. As soon as we put him down he would stand for a moment, look towards the water and run like a spaz towards it.
Oh no!...Uncle Brett caught him.

Have you ever seen such an excited expression?

It was really cute, but quite exhausting so after a few times we headed up to Riviera Village for lunch. After lunch we headed home. On Saturday night we went to Jared's boss' holiday party. It was very nice. We took Max with us which meant we weren't able to stay too long. Here is a cute picture of Jared and Max. Max wore his Christmas outfit.

Here are some new things Max has been up to:

  • Likes to point at things

  • Pushes his cars/trucks/strollers (pretty much anything with wheels) around

  • Climb into/on top of boxes

  • Sing Baby Beluga or the theme song to Baby Signing Time. His version goes bebe ba bebe bebe, etc.

  • Has become a very picky eater. All he ever really wants is fruit. Right now he's really into Cuties. He will also eat chicken nuggets and hot dogs as long as they are first drenched in ketchup.

  • He no longer uses a bottle. I just stopped using it one day, no problems.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Max can do tricks.

Max can do a few tricks. The two grandiose ones are clapping his hands and spinning in circles. Here is a little clip of him spinning.

Thanksgiving Pics

SO I didn't take enough pics over the Thanksgiving holiday. Here are some of the few I got.

He pretty much just ate the corn, green beans and stuffing. He isn't much of a carnivore, unless it's smothered in ketchup.

We went to the arboretum the day after Thanksgiving.

Max had a blast just cruising around. He was a happy camper that day...

Especially when we would see a dog. That kid loves dogs, there's one gene he got from me. I think it might be the only one :(

I LOVE my Ergo! There was a lot of walking to be had, so when it was time to get a move on this is how Max rolled.

My "Tree"mendous Boy!

Here are some pics I took at UCR's botanical garden. These pics are a little old; they were taken before Thanksgiving.

He was very proud of the stick he found

I love this little backside :)

Max and Uncle Mikey on Mikey's birthday

Max, yummy toes and the renegade turd

Here is a little video Jared shot last night. Max has never been into his toes...until last night. For those of you who have seen the movie "Baby Mama", don't worry I didn't taste it...I smelled it (not sure if that is much better though).

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Max'S Great Escape

Isn't that black eye a beauty? We don't know how he got it exactly; it looks pretty bad now that it's starting to yellow up. It miraculously appeared last Sunday morning. Hopefully it will be gone by Christmas. Currently, Max is a little under the weather. He has a bit of a cold. So last night he had a hard time falling asleep, he woke up after one sleep cycle. He was crying and I decided to let him cry a bit to see if he'd fall back asleep. All of the sudden I hear a loud crash in his room. I rush in thinking he fell against the rail of his crib in a drunken sleep-deprived stupor. As I opened his bedroom door, to my horror he was running towards me crying. Yep, he escaped. I think he used his crib bumper for extra leverage to get upon the rail and the weight of his head sent him toppling over the side. I checked him out and he seemed okay, no broke bones or anything. I then removed the crib bumper and his musical aquarium as well as moving all toys away from the "fall zone". I was a little freaked and tried to have him sleep with Jared and I last night but Max is a major bed hog so I caved and put him back in his crib halfway through the night. So scary. I hope he doesn't try it again, otherwise I may be forced to kennel him with one of these little treats...the cozy crib tent II.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's been a long while...

Yet again I have become the blog slacker. I left my camera at my mom's when I get it back I will upload some new videos and pics. Here is one of my most favorite pics of Max. This was taken in Costco and he is wearing daddy's hat. I lovve his cute little face.

We had a fabulous Thanksgiving. We went to Arizona to visit G-Pa and G.G. We had a great time. Max did surprisingly well. I was worried about his sleeping but he slept like a long in the pack and play. We arrived at 2am Wed morning. Luckily Max slept in until about 9am. We were going to go to lunch with my dad when I realized I hadn't brought my bag in last night. I went to retrieve it from the car, but it wasn't there. It turns out that neither Jared nor I loaded it into the car. I felt like such a tard. I sulked off to the mall in my pajamas to buy some new clothes. There is nothing worse than shopping when you're not in the mood. After I was done buying a new wardrobe we met up with G-Pa at HoneyBears. Max enjoyed his corn on the cob and cried when it was gone. It was raining lightly and we headed over to the Phoenix Zoo to see the Zoo Lights. We had an hour to kill before the park opened and Max had a blast running about the bridge. He loved looking at the lights that decorated the zoo.
We spent Thanksgiving Day at Aunt Julie's; the food was tasty as usual. Max had a lot of fun hanging out with the younger girl cousins. He loved Emily and Lacey and the trampoline. The day after Thanksgiving we dropped Max off at Wayne and Becky's and Lexi watched him while Gina, Dad, Jared and I headed off to the Coyote game. The Coyote's won and after we went to dinner at Kabuki. On Saturday we went to the botanical gardens. It was the Fall Color Festival and there were lots of people there. Max had a blast running around and seeing all the dogs. That evening we played Ticket to Ride. It was a close game and Gina, Dad, Jared and I were all on the same side of the board. We left on Sunday morning. It took us all day to get home and 3 hours alone from Indio to Riverside. Max was screaming bloody murder for the last 20 minutes or so. He was so done with his car seat.
I forgot to mention how much Max loves cats. Especially Tucker and Bullseye. The entire time we were at my dad's house he would run from kitty hiding spot to hiding spot. It would go something like this: Run and look under the kitchen table, run into G-Pa's room look under the bed, run over and look in the tub...repeat process. Max now knows what a kitty cat says, "Meow" or "Mow" or some variation of a high pitched "Mew".