Thursday, July 9, 2009

Canada Day!

I believe it was Canada Day last Wednesday. I bought some maple cookies from Trader Joe's for dessert. Max thought they were quite tasty. As a tribute to our dear friends, the Dykers, we decided to try and sing the Canadian anthem. I didn't know the words, but Max rocked it. Here's a vid of him singing. "Oh Canada..."


Mrs. D. said...

So cute! Did you know that O Canada was Sam's favorite song before bed when he was Max's age? Maybe one year we can meet up in Maine and celebrate July 1st then 4th in the respective countries :)

Rachon & Jared to the Max said...

Sounds like a plan. I've always wanted to visit Maine, but I couldn't tell you why :)

Lindsey said...

where or where have you gone?!