Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter!

This week has been kind of busy. On Monday I got sunscreen in Max's eye. Ugh, what a mess. I forgot to put sunscreen on him and we were headed out for a walk so I borrowed some from a friend. Little did I know - the sunscreen I usually use is tearproof so I just smear it all over his face. Well, this sunscreen was not. So I got it in his eye and he screamed, cried and rubbed his eyes nonstop for like an hour. Immediately after getting it in his eye I tried to flush it out with water but Max wasn't really having it. I ended up taking him to the doctor because he started to break out in a rash, his eyes were swollen and he just seemed miserable. Everything ended up being okay and reversed itself on its own. He would have been fine had I not made the trip to the doctor. But since I have pretty bad vision I wanted to make sure I didn't make his chance for blindness worse by ignoring the chemical burning of his cornea (just kidding about that last part, there was no corneal burning). I felt horrible that this happened, worst mom on the planet status. I have subsequently bought two more bottles of tearproof sunscreen - one for home one for the baby bag.

On Wedensday Brett came out to hang with us. Brett and I went Easter shopping after Max went to bed. Jared and I decided to do Easter baskets for the kids sans Easter Bunny. It will be more like a happy spring present from mom and dad. But I digress, so I was in Target picking out all these little things for Max's basket when I saw it - The Lightening McQueen push/ride toy. Max loves Lightening Mcqueen and he has really enjoyed playing with his other push/ride toy on the patio. So I forwent a the little items and went for the big one. We also decided to give presents on Saturday instead of Sunday so we will be giving it to Max later today. I'll post a video of it later.

Brett accompanied Max and I to the Easter Egg Hunt for mom's group. It was really fun and we had a great time eating, visiting and watching the kids hunt for eggs. Here is a little video of Max collecting eggs. He didn't quite get it. He ended up collecting some then dumping them out and the other kids swooped in and grabbed them. He could have cared less at the time. It wasn't until we were about to leave when he realized that there were goodies inside them.

On Thursday afternoon my dad came in. Max was so excited he loves grandpa. Grandpa brought him a little box of lizards, frogs and snakes. Max loves to collect them and we are working on differentiating between them. We went to Smoke Canyon yummy. And then off to Gymboree; Max did really well in class and only wondered off a few times. We went to Disneyland yesterday and had a blast. Max loved the petting zoo again and was obsessed with trying to pet the big sheep's anus. We met Hayley's boyfriend Andrew and his brother, Luke. They were both really awesome and would be nice additions to the fam :) We picked up Gina yesterday at the airport and went to this delicious Asain bistro Monark for dinner. We are about to go to Torrance so I'll update more later.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Update more! Check out my blog:

Daphne said some pretty funny things today.