Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Monkey Max

Max and Dad Sleeping

Max wrestling his blanket

Just being cute....he's so dang good at it!

Peek-a-boo under the walker

Mimi and Shane came down on Thursday. It was so nice to have them here. My mom and I were able to get a lot of cleaning done. Max now has his room to himself. It was being used as storage also, but now that he is so mobile he needs the space. Although I am still using his closet for storage. On Saturday night the whole family went to "Sea no Evil" an art show here in Riverside. I was really excited because Matt Costa was playing. Brett came up that day also. The show was really cool, unfortunately Matt Costa did not play until 10:00 pm. That was a little too late for Max so we missed his performance. Oh well.

Gilda got here yesterday morning. Max has been having a lot of fun with her. Max is now able to stand on his own and can take a few wobbly steps before falling. Yesterday he fell against the leg of our dinning room chairs and scraped/bruised his nose a bit. He loves to play peek-a-boo and roll around wrestling his blankets. I just love him so much! Jared has been working a lot and we miss him. Max gets so excited when Jared comes home. As soon as the door opens and Max sees his dad it's a mad scramble to the door. Jared has to go to Needles tomorrow so it will be a long day of driving for him, hopefully the new car will make the drive less tortuous.

Max - 0, Chair - 1


Anonymous said...

What a cutie Baby.

hayleybugs said...

Oh my goodness!!! I just love this little man!!!! He is honestly the cutest baby ever!! i dont think my babies will ever compare!

brett said...

MIMI SAYS "Max just gets cuter everyday!!! He is now our new wallpaper..our precious little angel child Max."

We need to get mimi a gmail account pronto, you should put a video of max doing the blanket peek-a-boo!

Rachon & Jared to the Max said...

Brett, it's hard to film blanket peek-a-boo when your under the blanket ;) Maybe when we come down for a visit you can help a sister out.