Max loves to look up hot babes with Uncle Brett!
We went to Devin and Jills for the 4th and 5th of July. It was very fun. Moorpark does their firework show on the 3rd so we didn't see any, but that's okay Max isn't a fan of loud noises. Cousin Olivia had a lemonade stand on the 4th and was selling lemonade at a whopping $0.25 for a small and $0.50 for a large. She made $21.00; lots of people just gave her money because she was cute. Max had fun with all of the cousins; we went swimming, played games and ate good food. I loved the s'mores. On Saturday Denise, Bekah and Tim came down. Jill, Mom and I went garage sale hopping before they got there. I got a baby gate for 5 bucks and Rummikub. We had fun with the cousins. It was sad to have to leave, but we had to teach our Valiant's on Sunday.
This week Max has been a little fussy, his top two teeth still haven't come in yet. But they're close you can see the white through his gums. His naps are getting more regular. I ended up doing a modified "cry it out" for him. Now when he is sleepy during the day if he hasn't eaten for a while I try to give him a bottle. If he refuses that then I just put him in his crib. He cries for about 3 minutes and then settles and goes to sleep. At night time C.I.O. is less effective. So once he has had a bottle, I will lay him down on my bed with me and he is usually out within 5 minutes. The funny thing is it has to be dark, quiet and no cuddling...Max is not a cuddler. Mom and Shane are coming tomorrow. We are happy to have company. Oh I almost forgot. We got a new car...a Yaris for Jared to drive since we are getting rid of my truck in a couple weeks. Jared really likes it and it gets great m.p.g. I was really bad at taking pictures over the weekend, but we did manage to get one of Max playing gameboy.